Check Report ID
If you have previously submitted a report, you can check back on the status here, with your Report ID. Please, if you lost you Report ID, unfortunately we will not be able to help you with this. Thank you.
- Enter the protocol number you received when using the channel. If you do not know or have lost your protocol number, unfortunately we cannot help you.
- If you look at the same answer, come back in a few days and check again.
- Remember that the company needs a deadline for analysis, evaluation and/or investigation of your report or request, these are ethical processes and demand deadlines.
- If asked by channel staff, please respond or attach evidence.
- Whenever you need to, use the Ibratec.
Hash: 4cce0e1af496957085cf1b45fc573d31a45ec3d0f889fd90
If there is a file to attach, please use it here. It will only be possible to attach files before clicking the Add file button.
Escolha primeiro um arquivo para enviar.
Informe o número do protocolo.
Informe um número de protocolo, por favor.