All complaints raised through this portal Integrity Channel are received and logged by Hello Ethics, an independent and specialized company hired to perform this activity.
Outsourcing the anonymous registration service through Hello Ethics, demonstrates that Integrity Channel is truly committed to establishing an environment that promotes and encourages honesty and ethical behaviors among employees and collaborators at all hierarchical levels.
If you have chosen to identify yourself in a complaint, your name will be visible only to the members of the Ethics Committee, who may contact you to obtain more information and clarify doubts, enriching the analysis and investigation. Otherwise you will be able to raise complaints anonymously.
Integrity Channel will never retaliate against the employee who raises a legitimate concern or issues of noncompliance with the Code of Conduct. If you feel that you may be suffering any kind of retaliation, you can use this channel to report the facts.
A diversion of conduct can affect Integrity Channel s organizational environment, culture, motivation, productivity and the image of the company, so it is responsibility of all employees to raise the complaint through this channel whenever an unethical behavior is identified.
If you decide to raise a complaint, you should not comment about it with anyone, not even your closest colleagues.
If you are reporting an actual or potential situation, just do it once.
Yes, you can access to Integrity Channel website from home or any other place with internet access, or you can send an email to